Michigan State University recently reached out to us to make sure we are aware of their community services in West Michigan. I have looked at their offerings and they appear to provide information and classes and subjects that could be valuable to our client. Some of the subjects are:
- 1. Parenting and being a nurturing family
- 2. Co-parenting for divorced/separated/never married parents
- 3. Stress less with mindfulness
- 4. Alternatives to anger
- 5. Basic money management
- 6. Nutrition and cooking
As a person that is interested in lifelong learning, I am interested in exploring MSU’s offerings and have signed up to attend Mindfulness for Parents and Caregivers: Helping Kids Manage Stress on April 25. You can check out their other classes at http://msue.anr.msu.edu/. Attached are some of their fliers for upcome events.