Child Support and Divorce for Men
Child Support Calculations
Many divorcing fathers or newly separated fathers wonder what their child support obligations will be. Child support is mainly based on income but it is also heavily influenced by both custody and parenting time. Many times the amount of child support is based on the number of overnights each parent receives throughout the year. There are also certain expenses, including day care and health care insurance, that play a part in determining the appropriate amount support. While the child support calculator has strict guidelines, there are certain exceptions to the rules that we understand and may be able to apply to your case. Once we evaluate your circumstances we can explain your options and develop a strategy in regards to the amount of child support that is ordered.
Child Support Modifications
According to Michigan law, child support can be reviewed for a modification every 3 years or upon a “change of circumstances.” It is important that you consult with a professional to understand both the law and your options from the beginning. Many times a child support order can be modified if the custodial arrangement or parenting time schedule has been changed by the parties. We always recommend that you keep both a journal and a calendar so you know the details of the custodial arrangement or parenting time schedule and are able to present these details to the court if necessary. It is vital that all options are explored and all potential support modifications are calculated correctly from the onset.
Overcoming Assumptions
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