Drunk Driving
Knowing when you are over the limit can be difficult, especially if you only had a few drinks. Unfortunately, even being slightly over the limit can result in serious penalties upon conviction. You could risk losing your license, significant fines even jail time.
If you are pulled over or arrested for driving while under the influence, you should remain polite and cooperative but DO NOT make any confessions or admissions to anyone. It is vital that you seek an experienced criminal defense attorney before making any statements to the police or other law enforcement officials.
At Arnson VanTol Law, PLC, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, our legal team is experienced in the defense of our clients who have been pulled over and arrested for drunk driving.
Drunk Driving (DWI/OUI) Attorneys
In the state of Michigan, .08 is considered over the limit. Even if you blow a .07, you will not be charged so, in these cases, accurate readings of Breathalyzers and other tests are critical for prosecutors to prove your guilt. An experienced attorney from our firm will review the facts and evidence presented against you, and provide an aggressive defense to defeat charges. A conviction for Operating while Intoxicated (OWI), Operating While Visibly Impaired (OWVI), or Operating with the Presence of a Controlled Substance (OWPCS) can also result in the loss of your license, so it is critical to get an attorney involved in your case as soon as possible.
Our Grand Rapids drunk driving defense lawyers handle cases involving:
- Drunk Driving - Unlawful Bodily Alcohol Level .08 (UBAL)
- Operating While Intoxicated (OWI)
- Operating while visually impaired (OWVI)
- Minors caught drunk driving - Zero Tolerance or Minor BAC
- Drunk driving accidents
- Super drunk driving offences
Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving - Drunk Driving -
Defeat Your Charges and Protect Your Rights
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